The Combine Effect of Suvarnaprashan with Speech-Language Therapy in Children with Delayed Speech and Language Disorder

  • Shrikant Sahu Assistant Professor, Department of Rog Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan,School of Ayurveda and Sidhha Studies, Pachama, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh,
  • Tulsi Sao Speech Therapist, Department of E.N.T., Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
Keywords: Suvarnaya-prashan, Kaumarbhritya, Delayed speech and language disorder, Speech language therapy, Disability, Oral vaccination.


Suvarnaprashan is ancient oral vaccination technique describe Ayurvedic texts. Delayed in acquiring language are most common symptoms of childhood developmental disability affecting around 5 to 10% of all children. The effectiveness of Suvarnaprashan in various developmental disabilities in children was reported earlier studies. However, its effectiveness for children with pure delayed speech and language disorder without any associated developmental difficulties was not studied previously. Hence, the study taken with aim of the combine outcome of Suvarnaprashan with speech-language therapy in children with delayed speech and language disorder. Total no. of 50 participants with early diagnosed delayed speech and language disorder with age range from 02 to 05 were included for this study. The participants were divided in two subgroups in which group A underwent for speech language therapy only and group B underwent for both speech-language therapy and Suvarnayaprashan sanskara. Children with delayed speech and language disorder showed significant improvement with Speech language therapy plus Suvarnayaprashan intervention compare to speech and language therapy alone. Suvarnaprashan can be utilized effectively as a therapeutic tool for children with delayed speech and language disorder. It is very simple, cost effective, infrastructure compatible, safe and prevention–centric approach. Hence, it should be adopted globally as immunization program also for preventive measure of delayed speech and language disorders and disability. The present study opened new dimensions and need of further research in different area of disability with large sample and long term follow up.


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How to Cite
Shrikant Sahu, Tulsi Sao. The Combine Effect of Suvarnaprashan with Speech-Language Therapy in Children with Delayed Speech and Language Disorder. IJRAPS [Internet]. 2023May31 [cited 2025Feb.23];7(5):6-10. Available from: