Surari Churna - Ayurvedic Medicine for Alcohol Dependency Syndrome

  • Baratam Sandhya Rani Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Raghu College of Pharmacy, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
  • Lalam Ramanamma Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Raghu College of Pharmacy, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
  • Karrothu Akshaya Student, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Raghu College of Pharmacy, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Keywords: Surari churna, Haritaki, Bhibhitaki, jyotishmati, vidarikand, Dependency syndrome


Ayurveda is the most ancient Indian system of medicine among them Ayurvedic churnas are the most popular medicine used worldwide used to treat many diseases. One such Churna among Ayurvedic medicine is Surari churna used as medicine for alcohol de- addiction. Used to treat alcohol dependency syndrome. This medication is available in pale yellow color with smooth texture. The formulation ingredients used in this medication are Soya, Vidarikand, Jyotishmati, Haritaki, Bhibhitaki, Amalaki. The formulation ingredients which are used mainly focusses on liver detoxification, Reduction of oxidative stress, Anti- oxidant effect which mainly used in the treatment of alcohol dependency syndrome, anxiety disorders. The side effects include nausea, vomiting, headache, loss of muscle strength, if the alcohol is administered after the administration of medication. Surari churna is available in sachets, each sachet contains 2.25gm of the herbal medicine and contains many nutritional benefits such as proteins, vitamins hence used to treat many disorders. No contraindications and interactions are associated with this herbal medicine as it contains pure herbs which are obtained from the nature and used in treatment of many disorders. A clinical presentation of a person is shown with decrease in symptoms and eradication of the disorder after the usage of Surari churna for about 20 days.


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How to Cite
Baratam Sandhya Rani, Lalam Ramanamma, Karrothu Akshaya. Surari Churna - Ayurvedic Medicine for Alcohol Dependency Syndrome. IJRAPS [Internet]. 2025Feb.20 [cited 2025Feb.22];9(1):1-. Available from: