Management of Vataja Kasa w.s.r. to Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia by Shringarabhra Rasa with Mridu Virechana

  • Sridevi. P. Kulkarni PG. Scholar, 3Professor, Department of Post Graduate Studies in Kayachikitsa, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubli, India.
  • Sourabh Gupta Associate Professor, Department of Kumar bhritya, Guru Nanak Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab, India.
  • P. G. Subbannagowda Professor, Department of Post Graduate Studies in Kayachikitsa, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubli, India.
Keywords: Vataja kasa, Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia, Snehapana, Virechana, Shringarabhra rasa.


The clinical features of vataja kasa are oftenly compared to TPE are, Shushka kasa, Alpa kapha nishtivana, Swarabedha, shushka ura kantha vaktrata, Dourbalya etc. TPE is an occult form of filariasis and is characterized by dry cough, dyspnoea, nocturnal wheezing etc, and marked peripheral blood eosinophilia. This affects males and females at a ratio of 4:1 often during the 3rd decade of life. Keeping in view about the adverse effects of the modern sciences, an attempt was made to find an effective Ayurvedic treatment modality.

Methods: 15 subjects with classical signs and symptoms of Vataja kasa and raised esinophil count >500cells/cumm were selected. After Amapachana by Shunti churna with hot water, subjects were given Kantakari ghrita for Snehapana prior to Virechana with Eranda taila followed by Shringarabhra rasa for 21 days with follow up of 1 month.

Results: Shringarabhra Rasa with Mridu Virechana provided highly significant results in all parameters of assessment.

Conclusion:  It is found that the relief was highly significant after Mridu Virechana. It is found that the effect of therapy was highly significant on Shushka kasa and Shushka urah kantha vaktra.


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How to Cite
Sridevi. P. Kulkarni, Sourabh Gupta, P. G. Subbannagowda. Management of Vataja Kasa w.s.r. to Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia by Shringarabhra Rasa with Mridu Virechana. IJRAPS [Internet]. 2021Mar.29 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(1):508-13. Available from: