• Bishnu Kumar Assistant Professor, Dept. of Shalya, R K Ayurvedic Medical College, Azamgarh, UP.
  • Jyoti Singh Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology. Ashoka Institute of Technology and Management, Varanasi, UP.
Keywords: Charak, sushruta, Astanga Hridaya, Astanga sanghra, Commentators.


From the study of ancient surgical text Sushruta samhita, it becomes evident that the urological problems form an important part of medical sciences. This article reviews the various concept of Mutraghata in Brihattrayi regarding its classification, symptomatology, etiological factors, pathology, and its complications. In present an attempt to made a sincere effort to acquaint the reader with the wealth of knowledge available in Ayurvedic literature on the important subject of Mutraghat. Mutraghata is one of the most common and distressing disease among the group of urinary disorder. The 12 types of Mutraghata are classified in to three categories for easier understanding of the subject and also to aid in approaching a patient of Mutraghata where in the principles of differential diagnosis has to be applied. The first category is based on the Neurogenic disturbances of the bladder and the types that can be included under this are – Vatakundalika, Vata Basti and Mutrajathara. The second category with the symptomatology of Obstructed flow of urine, Increased frequency of urination, Sense of incomplete voiding etc. has the Bastikundalika, Mutragranthi, Mutrotsarga and Ashteela types.

The third category is termed as “Others”, where the types included are – Mutrakshaya (Anuria), Ushnavata (Haematuria), Mutoukasada (Abnormal colourisation of urine), Vidvighata (faecum passed per uretherum) & Mutrashukra (Retrograde flow of semen) can be interpreted as close to the conditions provided in the brackets. Mutraghata is a condition in consequence with some kind of Obstructive Uropathy either mechanical or functional; related either to upper or lower urinary tract resulting in to either partial or complete retention of urine as well as Oliguria or Anuria. For the easier understanding of the subject, it is an attempt to compile the various concept of Mutraghata scattered in Brihattrayi and correlate them with modern urinary disorders.


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How to Cite
Kumar B, Singh J. A CRITICAL REVIEW OF MUTRAGHATA IN AYURVEDA. IJRAPS [Internet]. 2018Jul.18 [cited 2025Feb.16];1(3):148-54. Available from: https://ijraps.in/index.php/ijraps/article/view/24