Core Concept of Ayurveda for Longevity of Healthy Life

  • Kusum Mahajan Assistant Professor cum Consultant, Department of Kayachikitsa, Awasthi Ayurvedic Medical college and Hospital, Nalagarh, (Himachal pradesh), India.
Keywords: Pre Conception Care, Ritucharya, Ahara vidhi visheshayatan etc.


Ayurveda is our ancient line of treatment, which is followed from many years ago. It contains the information from the Birth to Death of human being health itself. Give knowledge about the living pattern of human being and also give information about the treatment of various diseases at that time to survival of human being. From which we are able to decode half of the knowledge given by our ancient masters / Acharyas. Many searches for the same are going on too. Our ancestors at that time lived healthy and disease free life without having any machines and instruments which we are using now days. They give importance to each phase of life and also give the information to take care of their health at every phase of life from the mother womb to death of the individual. Here is summary about how we can follow their footstep so that we make sure that our coming generation and present generation live healthy and disease free life. Sanskaras that we used to follow at that time and also how we can manifest them in today life also, such as Jatkarma, Karnavedana, Achara rasayana, Ritucharya. By just following these thumb rule one can attain healthy life easily.


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How to Cite
Kusum Mahajan. Core Concept of Ayurveda for Longevity of Healthy Life. IJRAPS [Internet]. 2024Dec.11 [cited 2025Feb.23];8(11):1-. Available from: