Objective: To analyze the pharmacognostic characteristics and physiochemical parameters of the stem of Gomphrena serrata (G. Serrata).
Methods: Micro, as well as macroscopic characteristics, were investigated. Physicochemical parameters had been done by implementing WHO suggested parameters; preliminary phytochemical and fluorescent evaluation of stem was executed for appropriate identification and standardization.
Results: The color, shape, size, odor, and surface characteristics were reported from the stem and powdered stem material of G. serrata. Light microscope images of cross section and powdered stem revealed the presence of multicellular uniseriate trichomes, lignified xylem fibers, xylem vessels and parenchyma cell. Phytochemical testing confirmed the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, saponins, tannins, proteins, amino acids, phytosterols, and flavonoids. Physicochemical parameters such as moisture content, ash value, extractive value and fluorescent behavior of stem powder have also been established
Conclusion: The current research would be useful in order to supplement the information regarding standardization, identity and in performing additional explorations in Ayurvedic system of medicine.